
100 Manual Niche Relevant Blog Comments for TOP GOOGLE RANKINGS

$ 118.8

Availability: 100 in stock
  • Condition: [All orders must be accompanied by the website/webpage you're looking to promote PLUS your keywords]
  • Supported Languages/Countries: ALL (Blog posts and comments done in English)
  • SEO Experience: 15 Years (see member registration)
  • Service Guarantee: 2 x Replacement OR Money Back (within 30 days)
  • Google Search Algorithm Compliancy: Panda, Penguin, Bert, Medic, RankBrain, May2022Core


    Google and other search engines place a significantly higher emphasis on “niche relevant backlinks”. This is why authority sites specializing in certain topic areas rank so well in the SERPS.
    This service will enable you to acquire quality backlinks from 1500 such sites related to your industry through a series of web postings.
    Service Features:
    1500 quality backlinks from 1500 authority web 2.0 sites
    Unique (CopyScape approved) article used for all postings
    Web 2.0 sites are some of the oldest and established
    100% Spam free
    All backlinks are permanent